Day 13 of My 100-Day DevOps Challenge

Day 13 of My 100-Day DevOps Challenge


3 min read

Python for DevOps: Mastering Intermediate Concepts

As a budding DevOps engineer, Python serves as a cornerstone for automating tasks, managing configurations, and integrating CI/CD pipelines. Once you've mastered Python basics, it’s time to elevate your skills by diving into intermediate concepts. In this blog, we'll cover file handling, exception handling, collections, and Python modules essential for DevOps. Each section includes examples and small projects to solidify your learning.

1. File Handling

File handling is crucial in DevOps workflows, where managing logs, configuration files, and backups is routine. Python’s built-in file operations allow you to read, write, and manipulate files effortlessly.

Key Concepts:

  • Reading, writing, and appending to files.

  • Handling different file formats such as CSV and JSON.


Reading and Writing Files:

# Writing to a file
with open("server_logs.txt", "w") as file:
    file.write("Server started at 10:00 AM\n")

# Reading from a file
with open("server_logs.txt", "r") as file:
    content =

Working with JSON Files:

import json

# Writing to a JSON file
data = {"server": "web01", "status": "active"}
with open("server_config.json", "w") as file:
    json.dump(data, file)

# Reading from a JSON file
with open("server_config.json", "r") as file:
    config = json.load(file)

Small Project:

Log Analyzer: Create a script that reads server logs from a file, identifies error messages, and writes them to a separate error log file.

2. Error and Exception Handling

In DevOps, scripts must handle unexpected scenarios gracefully. Exception handling ensures your Python scripts are robust and reliable.

Key Concepts:

  • Using try, except, and finally blocks.

  • Raising and customizing exceptions.


Basic Exception Handling:

    number = int(input("Enter a number: "))
    print(10 / number)
except ZeroDivisionError:
    print("Cannot divide by zero!")
except ValueError:
    print("Invalid input! Please enter a number.")
    print("Execution completed.")

Raising Custom Exceptions:

def check_server_status(status):
    if status != "active":
        raise Exception("Server is not active!")

except Exception as e:
    print(f"Error: {e}")

Small Project:

Robust Calculator: Build a calculator that handles invalid inputs and ensures users cannot divide by zero. Add custom error messages for better user experience.

3. Working with Collections

Python’s collections—lists, dictionaries, sets, and tuples—are indispensable for organizing and manipulating data efficiently. For a DevOps engineer, they’re key in parsing and processing data from logs or configuration files.

Key Concepts:

  • Lists, dictionaries, sets, and tuples.

  • List comprehensions and dictionary comprehensions.


Filtering Active Servers:

servers = [
    {"name": "web01", "status": "active"},
    {"name": "web02", "status": "inactive"},
    {"name": "db01", "status": "active"}

active_servers = [server["name"] for server in servers if server["status"] == "active"]
print("Active servers:", active_servers)

Counting Server Statuses:

servers = {"web01": "active", "web02": "inactive", "db01": "active"}
status_count = {status: list(servers.values()).count(status) for status in set(servers.values())}

Small Project:

Server Status Parser: Create a script to parse server statuses from a dictionary, count active and inactive servers, and print a summary report.

4. Python Modules for DevOps

Python’s rich library ecosystem offers several modules that simplify DevOps tasks. Modules like os and subprocess are particularly useful for interacting with the operating system and executing shell commands.

Key Modules:

  • os: File and directory operations.

  • subprocess: Running shell commands from Python.


Using the os Module:

import os

# Get current working directory
print("Current Directory:", os.getcwd())

# Create a new directory

# List files in the current directory
print("Files:", os.listdir())

Running Shell Commands with subprocess:

import subprocess

# Run a shell command
result =["ls", "-l"], capture_output=True, text=True)
print("Command Output:")

Small Project:

Deployment Automation: Write a script that creates a directory for a new deployment, copies configuration files, and restarts the server using shell commands.


Mastering these intermediate Python concepts equips you with the skills to tackle real-world DevOps challenges. From managing server logs to automating deployments, these topics form the foundation of efficient and scalable DevOps practices. Start implementing these examples and small projects to solidify your understanding and build confidence in your Python journey.